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Публикации на членовете на

катедра „Теоретична електротехника”

от 2006 г. 


Списания от чужбина

1.  Kolev L., S. Petrakieva, V. Mladenov (2006), Interval criterion for stability analysis of discrete-time neural networks with partial state saturation nonlinearities, FACTA UNIVERSITATIS (NIS), SER.: ELEC. ENERG. vol. 19, no. 2, pp. 271-286, August 2006.

2.  Yordanova S., R. Petrova, N. Mastorakis, V. Mladenov (2006), Sugeno Predictive Neuro-Fuzzy Controller for Control of Nonlinear Plant under Uncertaintie”, WSEAS Trans. on Systems, Issue 8, vol. 5, August 2006, pp. 1814-1821, ISSN 1109-2777.

3. Tzeneva R., Y. Slavtchev, N. Mastorakis, V. Mladenov (2006), Analysis of Bolted Busbar Connections with Slotted Bolt Holes, WSEAS Trans. on Circuits and Systems, Issue 7, vol. 5, July 2006, pp. 1021-1027, ISSN 1109-2734.

4.  Savov V., Zh. Georgiev, T. Todorov (2006), Analysis and synthesis of perturbed Duffing oscillators, International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications, Vol. 34, No. 3, pp. 281-306, May/June 2006.

5.  Savov V., Zh. Georgiev, T. Todorov, I. Karagineva, N. Mastorakis, V. Mladenov (2006), Using the Melnikov Function for a Synthesis of Generalized Van der Pol Systems, WSEAS Trans. On Circuits and Systems, Issue 11, Volume 5, Nov. 2006, pp 1602-1607, ISSN:1109-2734.

6. Dimov B., V. Todorov, V. Mladenov, M. Khabipov, D. Balashov, D. Hagedorn, F.-Im. Buchholz, J. Niemeyer, F. Uhlmann (2006), An improved technique for the design of Josephson transmission lines, Supercond. Sci. Technol., vol.19, pp.S213-S216, 2006.

7.  Dolapchiev I., K. Brandisky (2006), Crack Sizing by Using Pulsed Eddy Current Technique and Neural Network, Facta Universitatis, Ser.: Elec. Energ., vol. 19, No. 3, December 2006, pp. 371-377.

8.  Radev N., K. Ivanov (2006), Reduction the effects of op amp finite gain and offset voltage in LDI termination with a minus one half delay of SC ladder filters, Serbian Journal of Electrical Engineering, vol. 3, No 1, pp. 45-54.


Списания от България

1.  Savov V., Zh. Georgiev, E. Bogdanov, I. Karagineva (2006), Analysis of a shielded coupled microstrip line by the boundary elements method, Proceedings of the Technical University-Sofia, Vol. 56, book 2, pp. 307-321.

2.  Asparuhova K., T. Grigorova, S. Terzieva (2006), MATLAB/Simulink IGBT model, Journal of the Technical University at Plovdiv, “Fundamental Sciences and Applications”, Vol. 13(3), 2006, Plovdiv, Bulgaria, pp.97-101.

3.  Asparuhova K., T. Grigorova, S. Terzieva (2006), Implementation of the IGBT behavioral model for MATLAB/Simulink, Годишник на ТУ – София, Том 56, книга 1, 2006, София, стр. 80-85.


Конференции в чужбина

1.  Mladenov V., A. Slavova (2006), On the Periodic Solutions in One Dimensional Cellular Nonlinear Networks Based on Josephson Junctions, Proceedings of the 10th IEEE International Workshop on Cellular Neural Networks and their Applications, CNNA 2006, Istanbul, Turkey, 28-30 Aug. 2006, pp. 235-240.

2.  Rijlaarsdam D., V. Mladenov (2006), Synchronization of Chaotic Cellular Neural Networks based on Rössler Cells, Proceedings of the 8th IEEE Seminar on Neural Network Applications in Electrical Engineering, NEUREL 2006, University of Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro, 25-27 September, 2006, pp. 41-44.

3. Tzeneva R., Y.Slavtchev, V. Mladenov, N. Mastorakis (2006), Bolted Busbar Connections with Slotted Bolt Holes, Proceedings of 10th WSEAS International Conference on Circuist, Vouliagmeni, Athens, Greece, July 10-12, 2006 pp. 91-95.

4. Tsenov G., A. Zeghbib, F. Palis, N. Shoylev, V. Mladenov (2006), Neural Networks for online classification of hand and finger movements using surface EMG signals, Proceedings of the 8th IEEE Seminar on Neural Network Applications in Electrical Engineering, NEUREL 2006, University of Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro, 25-27 September, 2006, pp. 167-172.

5.  Savov V., Zh. Georgiev, T. Todorov, I. Karagineva, V. Mladenov (2006), Synthesis of Generalized Van der Pol Oscillator System, 5th WSEAS Int. Conference on Non-linear Analysis, Non-linear Systems and Chaos (NOLASC’06), Bucharest, Romania, Oct. 16-18, pp. 149-152.

6. Dimov B., V. Mladenov, V. Todorov, Th. Ortlepp, F. H. Uhlmann (2006), Design Aspects of Complex Asynchronous RSFQ Digital Circuits, Proc. 51  Internationales Wissenschaftliches Kolloquium der TU Ilmenau, 11.-15. Sept. 2006, pp. 147-148.

7. Mladenov V., V. Todorov, B. Dimov, Th. Ortlepp, F. Uhlmann (2006), Statistical Description and Optimization of the Time-Domain Parameters of Asynchronous RSFQ Digital Circuits, Proc. 51. Internationales Wissenschaftliches Kolloquium der TU Ilmenau, 11.-15. Sept. 2006, pp. 145-146.

8. Mladenov V., V. Todorov, B. Dimov, Th. Ortlepp, F. Uhlmann (2006), High-Level Design of Asynchronous RSFQ Digital Circuits, Proc. 51. Internationales Wissenschaftliches Kolloquium der TU Ilmenau, 11.-15. Sept. 2006, pp. 149-150.

9. Yordanova S., R. Petrova, V. Mladenov (2006), Sugeno Predictive Neuro-Fuzzy Controller for Improving Dynamic Performance of Control Systems of Nonlinear Plants under Uncertainties, Proceedings of 10th WSEAS International Conference on Systems, Vouliagmeni, Athens, Greece, July 10-12, 2006 pp. 190-197.

10.   Stancheva R, I. Iatcheva, I. Lilyanova, Hr. Tahrilov (2006), FEM Modelling of an Induction Heating System, 51st Internationales Wissenschaftliches Kolloquium IWK’06, Technische Universität Ilmenau, September 11-15, 2006. CD.

11.   Stancheva R., I. Iatcheva (2006), Effect of end winding transposition on the electromagnetic field in a turbo-generator., 51st Internationales Wissenschaftliches Kolloquium IWK’06, Technische Universität Ilmenau, September 11-15, 2006. CD.

12.   Stancheva R, I. Iatcheva, I. Lilyanova, Hr. Tahrilov (2006), Temperature field in disc-shaped induction heating system, XII-th Int. Symposium IGTE 2006, Graz, Austria September 17-20, 2006.. CD.

13.   Tsenov G., S. Terzieva, V. Mladenov, S. Vladov, G. Toshev (2006), Modeling, simulation and implementation of third order sigma-delta modulator, Proceedings of the Third International Bulgarian-Turkish Conference - Computer Science’06, 12-16 Oct., 2006, Istanbul, Turkey, pp.15-20.

14.   Mihaylova P., K. Brandisky (2006),  Parallel genetic algorithm optimization of die press,  Proceedings of 3rd International PhD Seminar “Computational Electromagnetics And Technical Applications”,  Banja Luka -  Bosnia and Herzegovina, 28.08-01.09.2006, pp. 155-159.

15.   Ivanov P., K. Brandisky (2006)Segmental permanent magnet DC motor optimization using parallel genetic algorithm, Proceedings of  3rd International PhD Seminar “Computational Electromagnetics And Technical Applications”, Banja Luka - Bosnia and Herzegovina, 28.08-01.09.2006, pp. 111-116.

16.   Brandisky K. (2006),  Electrical Impedance Tomography - From the basics to recent advances, Proceedings of  3rd International PhD Seminar “Computational Electromagnetics And Technical Applications”, Banja Luka - Bosnia and Herzegovina, 28.08-01.09.2006, pp.11-20.

17.   Zayakova Н., K. Brandisky (2006), Application of the meshfree Radial Point Interpolation Method (RPIM) to solve electrostatic problems, Proceedings of  3rd International PhD Seminar “Computational Electromagnetics And Technical Applications”, Banja Luka - Bosnia and Herzegovina, 28.08-01.09.2006, pp. 251-256.

18.   Mihov M.,  K. Brandisky, E. Ratz, P. Mihaylova (2006), Numerical and experimental investigation of the equivalent circuit parameters of induction machine, 51st  Internationales Wissenschaftliches Kolloquium, Technische Universität Ilmenau, September 11 – 15.

19.   Chervenkov A. 2006), Determination of Electrical Field in Oil Cable Muff, 51 Internationales Wissenschaftliches Kolloquium 51, Technishe Universität-Ilmenau, Germany, 11-15 September 2006.

20.   Chervenkov A., Т. Chervenkova (2006), Propagation of Soliton in Linear structures, Internationales Wissenschaftliches Kolloquium IWK 51, TU-Ilmenau, Germany, 11-15 September 2006.

21.   Chervenkov A., Т. Chervenkova (2006), Propagation of Soliton in Linear structures, Internationales Wissenschaftliches Kolloquium IWK 51, TU-Ilmenau, Germany, 11-15 September 2006.

22.   Chervenkov A., Т. Chervenkova (2006), Propagation of Soliton in Linear structures, Internationales Wissenschaftliches Kolloquium IWK 51, TU-Ilmenau, Germany, 11-15 September 2006.

23.   Filipova Kr., S. Petrakieva, F. Filipov (2006), Some applications of Petri nets for verification of the technical devices and systems, Proceedings of Third International Bulgarian-Turkish Conference “Computer Science’06”, October 12-15, 2006, Istambul, Turkish, pp. 387-393.


Конференции в България

1.  Йорданова С., В. Младенов (2006), Обучение по Размито управление и невронни мрежи, Сборник доклади на Международна конференция “Автоматика и информатика’06”, Дни на Джон Атанасов, София, България, 3-6 Октомври 2006, стр. 35-40.

2.  Nakov P., N. Petkova, V. Mladenov (2006), System for control and monitoring of power transformers, Proceedings of Energу forum, pp 121-125.

3.  Terzieva S., S. Vladov (2006), Some problems concerning education of the BSc students. Национална конференция с международно участие “ЕЛЕКТРОНИКА 2006”, 1-2 Юни, 2006, София, pp. 347-352 и CD.

4.  Stancheva T., S. Terzieva (2006), Numerical methods using MATLAB and some applications in the Electric Engineering education, Proceedings of the 32-st conf "Applications of mathematics in Engineering and Economics '32", Юни 2006, Созопол, България, стр. 189-199.

5.  Tabahnev I., N. Petkova, S. Terzieva, S. Vladov, V. Mladenov (2006), Modeling, simulations and implementation of the Chua’s circuit, IV-th International Conference “Challenges in Higher Education and Research in the 21st Century”, June 2006, Sozopol, Bulgaria, pp. 277-279.

6.  Tsenov G., S. Terzieva, V. Mladenov (2006), Modeling and implementation of first order sigma-delta modulator, Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Scientific and Applied Science Conference Electronics ET’2006, 20-22 Sept., 2006, Sozopol, Bulgaria, book 1, pp. 47-52 and CD.

7.  Петракиева, С., Г. Сапунджиев (2006), Оптимизация на потоци в информационни системи чрез трансформация на мрежовия модел в задача за линейно програмиране, Сборник доклади на XV Научен Симпозиум с Международно Участие “Метрология и Метрологично осигуряване 2006, 12-16 Септември 2006, Созопол, България, стр. 128-132.

8.  Филипова, Кр., С. Петракиева (2006), Симулационно валидиране на мрежи на Петри, базирано на управление чрез трансформация, Сборник доклади на Международна конференция “Автоматика и информатика’06”, Дни на Джон Атанасов, 3-6 Октомври 2006, София, България, стр. 221-224.

9. Сапунджиев, Г., С. Петракиева (2006), Анализ  на енергийни системи чрез методи за многомерна класификация, Сборник доклади на Международна конференция “Автоматика и информатика’06”, Дни на Джон Атанасов, 3-6 Октомври 2006, София, България, стр. 225-228.





















